Ko apskatīt netālu no Rīgas - vecā kamaniņu trase

Day Trip from Riga to Murjāņi and Kubesele Nature Trail

It’s a Sunday, with the warmth of the sun lingering and the soothing sound of crickets filling the air. We’ve got just a few hours to spare—perfect for a spontaneous escape from Riga. So, let’s hop in the car and head towards Vidzeme, where a unique cave, a forgotten bobsleigh track in its slow decay, and the peaceful Kubesele Nature Trail await, just an hour’s drive away. And we’ll likely still make it home for dinner. It’s a short trip, but one filled with plenty of surprises along the way.

Cost: Free

How to get there: By car

Similar experiences: Skaņaiskalns nature trail (for the caves & nature trail)

The first stop on our road trip to Vidzeme from Riga is a mysterious cave.

One of the Most Impressive Caves Near Riga – The Inčukalns Devil’s Cave


Have you heard of Inčukalns Devil’s Cave?

It’s one of Latvia’s many “devil’s residences,” where, according to legend, the devil collects the souls of the damned. If you listen closely, you might even hear their whispers in the darkness…

But don’t worry, there’s nothing scary here—just a touch of mystery and a bit of fun.

Once you’ve conquered the ridiculously steep stairs, you’re greeted by a cliff. A small spring gurgles near the cave’s entrance, while moss and ancient engravings decorate the rocks. Tree roots hang down from above, adding to the enchanted atmosphere. The entrance to Inčukalns Devil’s Cave looks like a crack in the rock, so you’d think it couldn’t be that big, right?

Ko apskatīt netālu no Rīgas - Inčukalna velnala

Wrong. As soon as you step inside, you realize just how wrong you were. The cave opens up into a vast, dark, dome-shaped chamber. I remember saying there were no caves like this in Latvia after visiting Helmes Cave in Estonia. Sure, the Helmes tunnels are longer, but Inčukalns Devil’s Cave is impressive in its own way.

Inčukalna velnalas dzīles

During winter, this dark chamber becomes a sanctuary for bats. Because of this, the cave is closed off during the colder months to protect their winter rest, making it a summer-only road trip destination.

The climb back up is another challenge, but after that, we’re ready to head to our next stop on the road trip to Murjāņi. This time, it’s something man-made and almost forgotten.

Explore Murjāņi Old Bobsleigh Track Before it Fades Away


You might have guessed it—our next stop on the Vidzeme road trip is indeed the Murjāņi Old Bobsleigh Track, with all its mysteries.

As we approach the abandoned site, we’re surprised to find that the wooden section near the road is remarkably well-preserved. From here, we can climb onto the track and walk along the wooden structures where once only bobsleigh carts raced. But the higher up we go, the more the Murjāņi Old Bobsleigh track starts to show its age. Planks are missing, and the path becomes increasingly rough. At the highest point, the track has crumbled into a pile of boards. It’s like a metaphor for the cycle of life.

Vecā Murjāņu kamaniņu trase

Along the way, we come across rusted remnants of old sports equipment—handrails, a weightlifting bar, and something that looks disturbingly like an ancient torture device… There are a few buildings scattered around as well, and though one door stands open, I wouldn’t dare step inside. That’s how horror movies start!

It’s fascinating how nature has gradually claimed this once-bustling track. Since the Sigulda track opened in the ’80s, it’s been left untouched, slowly being overtaken by the forest. So visit Murjāņi Old Bobsleigh track while you still can.

Today sure felt like an adventure movie! But we have one last stop on our Vidzeme road trip agenda. We were planning to head further into Sigulda, but as we’re driving, something catches our eye – the stunning tower of Krimulda Church. Change of plans!

A Peaceful Break in Kubesele Nature and History Trail


Krimuldas Church captivates with its simple yet striking elegance.The orange brick patterns adorn the white church like lace adorns the edges of a high-end handkerchief. 

Krimuldas baznīca Kubeseles dabastakas sākumā

But there’s more to discover. As we stroll around the beautiful church, a couple of signs catch your eye. One marks the start of the Kubeseles Nature Trail. The other points to something intriguing—a labyrinth.

A Small Surprise of Kubesele Nature trail – The Labyrinth

If you haven’t visited the labyrinth at Valguma pasaule, you might be puzzled at first. You’d probably expect a maze of cleverly placed walls. But instead, what you’ll discover is an artwork on the ground. That’s because this isn’t your typical maze—it’s a meditative labyrinth, designed for quiet reflection. You don’t need to search for the right path; it’s already laid out before you. All you have to do is follow it from start to center. It’s a place to disconnect from the world, to zone out, and let the journey guide you. It might not be for everyone, but we find it truly fascinating.

Meditācijas laberints Kubeseles dabas takā

Afterward, we walk down a set of stairs, taking a moment to stop and admire the view. It’s a simple, peaceful scene—fields in their summer prime—but something about it catches my attention. It’s one of those moments that makes you pause and truly appreciate the beauty around you. 

Kubeseles dabastaka

The Mouth of the Kubesele Cave

And now, for the second cave of the day! The Kubeseles Cave isn’t as large as Inčukalns Devil’s Cave, but it has its own legend. It’s said to be the hiding place of the chieftain Runtiņš. Judging by the cave’s wide mouth, though, it seems unlikely he could have hidden there without being spotted. What do you think?

Kubeseles ala

Then the Kubeseles Nature Trail takes us deeper into the forest, and as you walk, you notice the path becoming narrower and more overgrown. Eventually, we reach a point where we need to turn back, missing a few smaller landmarks along the way. If you plan on exploring  Kubeseles Nature Trail further, I’d recommend wearing long pants and sturdy shoes, as the path can be muddy and a bit challenging at times. But for now, it is time to head back to Riga. 


This little adventure has been the perfect way to spend a sunny Sunday. It’s the kind of trip that doesn’t require much planning or effort, but still offers new experiences, fresh air, and the chance to make memories.

Now, whenever someone asks me for a quick getaway near Riga, I’ll have another fantastic option to offer, alongside the usual recommendations for the Blue Hills of Ogre, Ķemeri Swamp or Kaņieris reed trail

Other Places to See Nearby

Sigulda (hidden gems)

Sigulda (hiking)


Seaside cliffs in Latvia

Other things to see and do in Latvia

Thanks for visiting my little corner of the internet!

There are a lot of fun things to come, so come back for more travel stories later!
